

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A Make, Two Finds and the Winner of my Giveaway...

I thought I'd share with you my first attempt at applique and cushion making... 
Made from a piece of reclaimed flowery sheet, a piece of dyed sheeting and an old coarse linen dress. 

 If anyone out there has any of this or similar flowery sheet for sale or swopping do let me know. 

I also made the inner pad for this and the cover below out of an old feather pillow that I've recently replaced so I'm rather pleased with my thriftiness ..  

I found this beautifully embroidered cover recently... with flowers, a butterfly, two mice and a snail... So sweet...
I just love it!

And these rather fab shoes on ebay... never been worn...
I know they're not old but I'm very pleased with them at £15, they look great with bright thick tights...
I had to get my hide hammer out and give the leather a good bashing to soften them but now I'm very happy.

I've been having some problems with reaching my photo limit on picasa and a new computer... not got my head around how to proceed yet... but thanks to a fellow blogger I can now press a few buttons on my camera before I take new images so they are smaller for here... but I'm still not sure what to do for all those already taken but not yet used!

I must say that the images above took seconds to appear rather than yonks that was the norm... mind you my last computer was from the 90's so that probably has something to do with it too!

BUT anyway....

Now for the winner of my little giveaway....

the winner of the Granny Chic Book is....... No 1

Suzy from Rustic Village Country

I threw a little old dice and you are the winner...
So do let me know where to send the book to...

Sorry to you who did not win this time but I will be having another soon on my other Blog may be you'll be lucky then...

Sending Smiles and Seasonal Greetings to you all
Cass x



  1. How clever you are making that lovely cushion, I love your embroidery cover you found too.
    Sarah x

  2. Ihi, I had the same problem with picasa...my apologies for my crappy memory as I cant remember at the moment exactly what I did to sort it out...but the problem is that your photos need to be 800 x 600 pixels or smaller so that they do not count towards your picasa file limit. To make the photos smaller Ive been using picmonkey.com (its free). Just load photos into fil on your computer (my pictures file) and then open them in picmonkey and click on resize. Once youve saved them...and you can add borders, writing...and stuff you can then use it on the blog. I know I had to downlad the picasa thing onto my computer...but i cant remember how I downsized them all. I think it did it automatically once I had all the pictures on the compter picasa program (as opposed to picasa web ). I found out by googling it..its such a faff! Hope that makes sense! You can email me at littledottybird@hotmail.co.uk if you need any help. :)

    1. I'm going to give this a go I've down loaded Picasa so far... rather struggling with a complete new computer system too...

  3. Thank you Jooles... Seasonal Greetings to you and yours too... wishing you all a healthy and happy 2013.

  4. Love the cushion you made, very pretty. I love the embroidered cushion as well. I have made cushion covers from old tablecloths which are effective. Happy Christmas bee x

    1. Thanks Bee... I'm always in awe of the hours taken to embroider some of the beautiful tablecloths around. Wishing you and yours a healthy 2013. Cx

  5. Hey I am thrilled about the new camera!! Love it! Thanks for your kindness during 2012 it's been lovely to connect with you.....will be enjoying more of your photos in 2013, have a great Christmas honey:~))

    1. Thanks Catherine... many thanks again for the beauty you have captured and shared... Cx


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x