

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Vintage Market Bazaar feb 2013... part one

Deep joy as yesterday in Chichester The Vintage Bazaar was in full swing and my body was up for me to spend a very enjoyable couple of hours wandering, chatting. stopping for tea and cake... yes tea and cake firmly part of the set up!! and I did remember to take a little camera so you could have a little look round too!

I love this coat...

Some had dressed the part and looked fabulous...

Then Eco Ethel Family's Stall  see her blog here

Sweet pin cushions in reclaimed objects...

and I bought some lovely cotton quarters...

Next door is a very interesting stall indeed...

I adore this 40's Ironing Board... beautiful wood but alas no space in my little home but maybe you'd give it a place of honor in yours...

More glimpses and stalls next time.... and my fabulous find...
Part two here

Till then enjoy your Sunday
Smiles Cass x


  1. What a great event to visit. I really enjoyed seing the photos, thanks for sharing!
    Can't wait to see your find :)

  2. Thanks for the flattering photos and the link. Looking forward to seeing your quilty loveliness. Eco Ethel xx

    1. My pleasure Ethel! good to see you all again...

  3. I miss being part of this kind of activity. I imagine it took a bit of doing walking away from things. I often regret not buying a lovely thing. Interesting photos. It all looks very calm. Were you there very early?

    1. It was fun being there Jane... I did really well till the last stall really and I just couldn't resist... It actually was quite busy but I took my time and was very pleasantly surprised by the amount of people who stayed out of shot for me... it was all very civilised and.. well.. lovely .... as ever!!


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x