

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Happy Jewellery Swap...

I can now show you some images of my homemade part of the swap I sent to, my new friend, Nancy over in Canada because it has arrived and even better it all made her happy too!!

This was part of The Four Happy Thing Swap organised by Lisa of mrsbobobun.blogspot.co.uk

Simple soldering and twisting of 925 silver wire and semi precious stones...
to create a pendant on a 18" snake chain and a pair of earrings...

I'm currently making another pendant in blue/green/ clear for Rachel of myrainbowvintagehome.blogspot.co.uk as a swap for some of her yummy fabric...

I'm open to more swapping but you'll need to not be in any sort of hurry!

Smiles  Cass x


  1. Hi and thank you so much for popping over to my blog. Those photographs of your blackbirds are beautiful - how privileged to have one born in your garden. I currently have a pair skitting around but am not sure where they are nesting yet. Sorry to hear about your back problems - it sounds like you are in the middle of a long journey but hopefully things are looking good. I look forward to reading more of your blog x Jane

    1. Thank you Jane... i do hope the pair nest safely with you... yes it is a blessing to share my little garden with so much wildlife... Cx


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x