

Friday, 7 February 2014

So Sorry...

Sorry for the delay...but when I can Swap info and creative giveaway winners will follow...
My back and various nerves trapping around pelvis has stopped play again..
Can't sit...

So all my projects are on hold......... again...

Just look at those colours... can't wait!

Smiles  Cass xx


  1. I feel for you Cass! Am currently on Gabapentin for nerve pain two and a half years after spinal surgery. Hope you feel better soon. AT least your blog allowed me to be a follower this time - it flatly refused the first visit!

  2. Hi Cass, I was wondering how you were. Love the material you have lined up for future projects and part worked up. xx

  3. Sorry you are out of sorts Cass, how frustrating with all of those fabulous things waiting for your attention. I've just got over a bout of sciatica so know how you are feeling.
    Gentle {{hug}}
    Rose H


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x