

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Catch up and do you know...

Well the garden is blooming...

Love these but no idea of the red daisies proper name... I'm having to keep them high otherwise the flowers get eaten by woodlice...                                                                                                      

Thrift... brought with me when I used to live on the sea front now i'm about a mile away...                      

Every year I marvel at the beauty of the unfurling Scabious...

Mmm rain and glossy green...                                                                                                                    



Love - in- a -Mist a perfect name for such beauty...                                                                                 


Golden Marjoram and flowering Chives...                                                                                             

I rather love the contrast between the Acer and the duckweed... I've left it to keep the tadpoles a bit safer..                                                                                                                                                  

There is a little wren's nest in amongst this Clematis...                                            

I love Sage... the flower spikes are fabulous for the bees...                                                                   

Just as well as my poor old allotment is surrounded by 2-3 foot overground wilderness... including two 20ft diseased unpruned apple trees creating so much shade it's not funny...

It is no great surprise there are no new takers for the plot...

Both my neighbouring plots are over run with slugs and merrily shower my plot with weed seeds daily... I've been growing plants only to have them eaten within two days of them being put out... it is all very sad...

My tables in the garden, at home, are overflowing with plants getting leggier by the day  but I'm not up to planting them and to be honest it seems rather pointless... It took three attempts last year but I'm less able this year at getting them into the ground...

On Monday I collapsed again, this time at the hairdressers... all very public, upsetting my neck so nausea and vomiting... yep not great and still feeling fairly cr*p... and I still have a two sided hair cut!

Maud has been poisoning me... leaking exhaust fumes into the van so that has been seriously compromising my whole nervous system... migraines, vertigo, palpitations, visual disturbances, severe nausea etc etc...
For ages I've been asking random people if the strong smell was normal... not being able to get down to look myself and I asked them to look at the MOT.

Anyway she has a new exhaust now, the old one had been bodged, more holes than metal, so hopefully I will now be able to drive her without having to stop because I feel so sick... and I hope my whole overall health will improve too... please God.

I am really hoping that Maud and I will be well enough to slowly made our way to East Dorset around Wimborne to have a weeks holiday in the countryside to share a cottage with my folks... so do any of you know anywhere to visit around there between 7th-14th june... do let me know...

And finally a little glimpse at something I recently rediscovered...  Can you guess what this lovely 50's fabric might be made into??

I'll show you next time...

Off to lie down again...

Till next time smiles Cass xx


  1. Oh my goodness I'm glad you managed to find out what the matter was before it got too serious! I hope you have a great time with your folks Cass :) x

  2. The flowers are gorgeous. Glad you got Maud sorted out and hope you have a fab time in Dorset. x

  3. Can't believe your run of bad luck...hope all's well soon. xx

  4. Hi
    just to say a quick is 21.5 inches too wide. Strangely the other night linens I measured are all wider than 20.5. I'm pleased to hear Maud's exhaust has been done. I too have been in too much hip pain I have been doddering like a true dodderer. Ouch xx

  5. Gosh - look at all that in bloom. I'm hoping for a Sarah Raven delivery today so I can play catch up from moving in the growing season.

    Nina x

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It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x