

Saturday, 17 November 2012

A walk in a duvet in the sun...

Last weekend Tilly, my little doggie friend, came to stay again...
Sunday was a lovely sunny day so I put my duvet coat on grabbed the camera and we got in the car.... now for most of you a walk is common place but this year with my back being very unstable this is only the second time I've even considered it!
We didn't go far and I only managed to stay out for about 20 mins but it was glorious...

Tilly ran around like a dog  possessed... getting covered in burrs....

There were thousands of horazontal webs across this field

Whist I breathed in deeply and  attempted to capture beauty...

I hope one day to be able to foster dogs again, walking daily and connecting with nature in this way again... may it be soon as I miss it so much...


  1. Lovely close ups. Tilly looks like some kind of water dog. Glad you managed to get out there and the countryside seems interesting and marshy.
    I really lucked out at the Bon Occas yesterday, knee length Camper suede boots. Still feels a bit odd they were there. I'm trying to get some images to send without taking them off.
    I bought a whole load of stuff and the whole arm full only cost 12 euros. They shut at the end of the month till April. I think they have lowered there prices for the end of season sale.

  2. Thanks Jane... she's a clipped lab/poodle cross and the perfect companion. Sounds as though you've won there I love camper stuff!

    1. and its just down the road in Bosham...the tide was out!

  3. Just lovely, hope you are ok! Thanks for the DVD suggestion! :)


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