

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Colourful find ...

I had a great find yesterday at my local hospice shop...

A huge selection of Setasilk paints, all full! and some other bits and bobs for £7.50...

I've attended some batik workshops in the past and always fancied playing with colour and fine cotton with the view to making my own flower embellishments to add to the mix...

Have you used these and have any tips?

My secondhand Art and Craft supplies are rather flourishing...

Smiles Cass x


  1. Wow, what a find! I've not done this before but would love to try....lucky you and good luck with using them. I've just mentioned you on my blog regarding my win from you and told people you are having a giveaway of seeds. Suzy xx

  2. I have used silk paints a lot if you want to ring. I just wrote a long message and it disappeared so I'm loathed to go through it all again, sorry. Well done though. xx

  3. finding just what I'm after in a cs shop gives me a buzz so you must have been thrilled. glad you're pleased with your fabric Cass.


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x