

Friday, 4 January 2013

Knitted Flowers...

My first attempt at knitting flowers... the sewing up was rather tricky...

But fun... 
I managed to finally find some more yarn yesterday but only in my 4th charity shop... I rarely find any now.... 
I want to make as many flowers as possible turning them into brooches... a very slow process as I barely understand the terminology and have to keep going onto youtube to see how on earth I'm actually meant to do it.
I want to crochet some too but I need to find some chunkier yarn or some other patterns

Well the postie has just popped my first copy of Simply Crochet through my letterbox...
I subscribed for the first 3 issues for £5 before christmas... a totally bargain I thought!

I need all the help I can get...


  1. Hello again Cass,
    Love the flowers, I find crochet a lot quicker and easier, give it a go. Check out Attic 24, she's amazing. Easiest of all are flowers from felted jumper sleeves, do you remember you bought some of mine at VVN?
    Here's to a blogging good 2013
    Eco Ethel xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep Attic 24 is fantastic... and yes I do hoe to see you at the next one! Cx

  2. The flowers are lovely! I crochet flowers and turn them into brooches all the time, I'm addicted to it I think :) Elisabeth xx

    1. Thanks Elisabeth I'm popping over to take a look!


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