

Friday, 15 November 2013

Sharing Thrifty ways...

You may not be aware of this site so I thought I'd share with you a great place to get free vintage/retro images...
click here for a 100 free Christmas images...

I love this deer image...

Sorry I've had to take photos of the images but I really have no idea how to copy them and get them onto blogger...
I also have no idea how to put a link onto my blog for my pinterest either so if anyone does know do enlighten me...

Ever since a lovely friend gave me an iMac I've been totally lost with all things computer, he said they were easy to use but I'm completely lost... though I'm sure my memory issues probably don't help much but I've got side tracked from thrifty ways...

Now I expect that you probably know all of this already but just incase one piece of information is new to you...

Some of my thrifty ways...

Simple things to do to make things last longer

Warm your cleanser in your hands before you put it on your skin... press don't drag your skin...

Put toners in a spray bottle... you'll use far less if you spray your face lightly...

Put your moisturising lotions or creams onto your skin whilst it is still damp, the products will be drawn deeper into your skin and you will use far less too... less is more...

I fill a lid with water then add my shampoo... mix... then use to wash hair.... you'll use far less and it's easier too.

Make your own
I've been doing this so for years... I only use Organic or wild crafted...

FaceToners buy a simple floral water from a herbalist and keep in a spray bottle... you use much less when you spray..
Face oils are really very easy,  Buy some Argon oil and rosehip oil add some essential oils then keep in a dropper bottle as you only need a few drops, use before a moisturiser  You can buy some good organic oils cheaply from  http://enaissance.co.uk
Remember that as soon as you add your essential oils to the base oils you are limiting the life so just mix say 30ml at a time... i keep the rest of the base oils in my fridge...
If you can get a group together you could share the initial outlay...
I used to be an independent Aromatherapist so used to make all sorts of things for my clients but now a days just make these two for myself and my mum and get the rest from NYR Organic...

(I do hope to get back to making ointments and the like from my own infused oils when my spine is more stable and I can work again.)

Room sprays, just add a few drops of  essential oils to a spray bottle of water... costs pennies and no nasty chemicals

Herbs and Teas
Grow,  dry and cut up your own herbs and flowers to store and use later...

Do your cooking at the coldest part of the day it could save you having to put the heating on...

Save energy by letting the ambient heat from the combined heat of your pan/water finish cooking your food.. rice, quinoa, steaming veg, soup etc...

I buy good quality pure wool chunky, simply knitted large jumpers second hand..... unravel and re wind into balls to knit up later into something new...

Save your seeds

Nature is so generous... I save then sow lots of my own seeds.. flowers but also Tomatoes, beans, peas, sweetcorn, courgettes, squash, celery, chicory, parsley, leeks.... and share them too!

What thrifty tips have you got??

Thank you again for your thoughts I am slowly improving... hopefully after another treatment tomorrow, to realign my pelvis, my spine will be a little happier... currently my neck is really out again so headaches and light sensitivity abound... it has been so beautiful outside today but I'm in here curtains almost shut...

Wishing you all a lovely weekend... have a little walk for me...

Smiles Cass x                                            


  1. I rode Bruce today, it was so uplifting and glorious and the best medicine ever. Its not until you can't do these things that they become so precious.
    I'm sending you healing thoughts, lots of love and a HUGE smile xx
    ps my thrifty tip is cleaning mirrors/polishing windows with vinegar and scrunched newspaper, and if you happen to have a woodburner then dampen a little ash and use on a cloth (or newspaper) to clean the glass door- takes the dark marks clean off.

  2. Wishing you well Cass, hope it all gets sorted out eventually, sooner rather than later, and thank you for the site. (I haven't put a pintrest link on my blog as I like to keep it private), but I imagine you just go to layout on your blog, pick 'add a picture', choose a picture from your computer, and there should be space where you put in the link straight to your main boards page on pintrest (which you've cut and pasted from the www address at the top). x


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x