

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Sewing Book recommendation...

I just got this lovely book out of the library today... for anyone newish to sewing it is full and I really do mean full of ideas...

Great photography, good clear instructions and tips... really very colourful too
I'd highly recommend it...

Hope you enjoyed a quick nose... it is definitely better than average!!

Below the lovely Chloe herself...

Oh yes and just in the nick of time Maud has her new MOT... HOORAY!!

Till next times Smiles Cass x


  1. Such beautiful photography too. I shall be on he lookout for this book. x

  2. Great to have a proper mooch inside a book - thanks for that Cass. Hope you're having a lovely sunny Easter so far - great for getting out and about in Maud! Jane x

  3. This looks a lovely book, very bright and lots of fun projects...
    Happy Easter to you and family..
    Amanda xx

  4. Thank you for letting us know Cass. It looks full of inspiration! Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

    Madelief x

  5. What a lovely book Cass, just my cup of tea!

    Thank you for your kind comments today, they mean so much to me xxx

  6. Gorgeous book! Thankyou for sharing Cass and also thankyou for popping by to welcome me back to the blogging world. I am having real trouble in adding my followers widget link to my blog for some reason but pop by again to say hi...looking forward to reading your posts x

  7. The relief of the MOT! I would very much like that apron in the book. Perhaps in different fabrics but I love it.

  8. Lovely book, I will keep my eyes out for it at the library. Maybe it will encourage me to get my sewing machine out and make something.


Thanks for popping by...
It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x