

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Did you know....

Hedgehog Awareness
Week 2014
4th - 10th May 2014
Hedgehog Awareness Week runs from 4th to 10th May 2014 and hedgehog events are being organised all around the country!
Hedgehog Awareness Week is organised by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and takes place every year. It aims to highlight the problems hedgehogs face and how you can help them.

Smiles Cass x


  1. I've only ever seen two here in twelve years which is a worry. I had one I used to feed in London but not in the wilds here!

  2. Thank you for bringing this important event to folk's notice :)
    Best wishes
    Rose H


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It is always lovely to receive a comment from you... smiles Cass x